- 명사, 동사, 형용사에 강세 두어 읽기
- 고유명사에 강세 두어 읽기
- 문장 내, 중요한 의미를 갖는 강조어에 강세 두어 읽기
- 쉼표가 붙은 단어는 마지막 음 올려 읽기
- 세 가지 명사 혹은 형용사가 열어된 경우 처음 두 항목의 끝 음을 올리고 마지막 항목은 내려 읽기
- be동사, 조동사를 사용한 의문문은 끝 음을 올려 읽기
- 마침표나 느낌표가 붙은 단어는 끝 음을 자연스레 내려 읽기
끊어 읽기
- 쉼표와 마침표 뒤에서 길게 끊어 읽기
- 접속사 and, but, or 앞에서 짧게 끊어 읽기
- 분사 구문 앞에서 짧게 끊어 읽기
- 주어가 세 단어 이상인 경우, 동사 앞에서 길게 끊어 읽기
유형별 빈출 표현
1. 고객/참여자 안내문
- We’d like to inform you that the boarding gate has been changed to 8.
- It is important to return to the bus within 30 minutes.
- Thank you for attending Forestville Business Workshop.
- If you need any help, please visit any customer service counter.
- Don’t forget to return the goggles to the reception desk.
- You will have a chance to meet the director in person and ask questions.
- For additional information, please feel free to ask questions to any staff nearby.
- Please keep in mind that the lounge is not available until next Tuesday.
2. 광고문
- If you are looking for a place to host a party,
- Come and see our outstanding selection of shoes for the entire family.
- If you purchase any two books, you’ll receive a third on free.
- You’ll find everything you need right here at Smithfield’s Hardware Store.
- Don’t miss this opportunity to buy the latest laptop computer at a low cost.
- To learn more about our collection, please speak to one of our staff members.
- Call us right now and find out more about the Glenfield Conference Center.
- Please visit our website to make a reservation at a discounted price.
3. 방송 지문
- Good morning, and welcome to Chef at Home.
- Today on Simple Steps, we’ll talk about how to best match jewelry with your clothing.
- We are expecting strong winds and heavy rain tonight.
- Stay tuned for more information on the current traffic conditions.We are
- lad to announce the new TV series Mind Hunters.
- If you haven’t seen this film yet, be sure to watch it soon.
- Our next guest is Dr. Ken Schofield, who has a new book about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
- Please join me in welcoming John Morris to the stage.
4. 자동 응답 메시지
- Thank you for calling Blue Stones.
- You have reached the Westwood Magazine customer service.
- We are located on Bradford Street.
- Unfortunately, we are unavailable to take your call at the moment.
- To make or cancel an appointment, please press on after the beep.
- For locations, hours of operation or to check existing reservations, press two.
- If you want to speak to a customer service agent, please stay on the line.
- Our business hours are from 9 A.M to 4 P.M on weekdays.